EU 경쟁당국, 기준금리담합 사업자에 6천억 과징금 부과
New York Times, 2016. 12. 7.
유럽연합 경쟁당국, 기준금리 담합한 Crédit Agricole, HSBC와 JP Morgan Chase 에 4억 8천 5백만 유로, 우리나라 돈 5,965억 상당의 과징금 부과
European antitrust regulators on Wednesday fined Crédit Agricole, HSBC and JPMorgan Chase a total of just over 485 million euros for colluding to fix benchmark interest rates tied to the euro.....
In its investigation, the European Commission, the European Union’s executive arm, found that traders at seven banks, including Crédit Agricole, HSBC and JPMorgan Chase, were involved in a cartel between September 2005 and May 2008 to improperly influence the pricing of euro interest rate derivatives.........The commission found that the traders, using chat rooms and instant messaging services, had shared their desired or intended submissions for Euribor and had exchanged information on their trading positions or on their trading or pricing strategies..........JPMorgan Chase received the largest fine: €337.2 million. Crédit Agricole was penalized €114.7 million and HSBC €33.6 million. The banks have up to two years to appeal. Any appeal would be heard by the European Union’s General Court. a total of just over 485 million euros .......(상세한 내용은 링크 기사 참조)